Saturday 24 December 2016

Compliments of the season to everybody.

May you all enjoy the next few days of family and festivity.

MrsJ and I will be fully occupied keeping up with grandchildren and trying to work out how their new electronic gizmos work. Grandchild 1 has been trying to induct me into his 'run around and shoot em up' X-box game, but my reactions are far too slow. I end up killed off in seconds, much to his discust.

We'll be back in the new year

Friday 9 December 2016

Book Sale

Way back in July I said I'd be downsizing my library and listing the books I'd be clearing away. This job has taken longer than I thought, mainly due to the researching of suitable prices. The list is now ready, 147 titles in all, mainly 19th and 20th century interest but a few earlier. Most will probably be represented in your own collections but you never know. I'll be happy to answer questions about condition etc.

I'm offering my readers a chance to take first pick, so if anyone wants to see the list please e-mail me and I'll let them have it as an attachment. Note that postage is not mentioned, as that will obviously depend on size and where it's going.

Anything not cleared within a reasonable time frame will either be offered to a dealer or stuck on an auction site.

Monday 31 October 2016

Enjoy Your Halloween Experience

I just thought I'd better get into the spirit of the day, so threw this together after breakfast this morning.

Tuesday 20 September 2016

I am still here!

I've been very un-active this summer. A combination of very hot weather making it too hard to get off my deckchair, heavy involvement with a new grand-daughter, and MrsJ's insistence that the caravan needs more exercise  than previous years have all eaten away the time. That and an attempt to list the books I wish to dispose of is taking longer than I thought.

However, while away in the van I have been catching up with the contents of my Kindle reading thing, and would like to bring your attention to an author you may not know of, who has the start of an interesting series on the go.

He is Andy Johnson, an ex-guardsman, privately published and available through Amazon Books.

The first of his books is "Seelowe Nord", and is a fictional account of an alternative invasion of the UK by Hitler's troops, taking place on the Yorkshire coast in the Filey/Bridlington/Scarborough area.We are introduced to a number of participants, both real historical figures and fictional characters, from privates to higher command. Even Churchill's 'Secret Army' of resistance fighters get a mention. A reasonable read with some good wargame inspiration, I won't go into detail in case it gets spoilt for you,

The second of his titles is really a prequel to the above, and carries many of the characters through earlier actions of the war. "Thunder In May" is the story of 1940, from the invasion of Belgium and the assault on Ebn Emaul* through to the final boat leaving Dunkirk after the evacuation. As mentioned above, we are given the story of many of the participants of the first book, from both British and German forces. Andy Johnson has very cleverly joined his fiction with real events of the time in a believable way. No spoilers here, as you know how it ended.

The third book, which I have only just discovered, is 'Crucible Of Fate', and seems to cover the Overlord operation. I haven't read it yet, but if it is as gripping (read all through in one go, late to bed) type of stuff as the others I shall enjoy it.

Check them out, you won't be dissapointed.  

Wednesday 27 July 2016

BBC Time Commanders to return?

According to another, TV related site, that I hang about in, the BBC are to revitalise the old Time Commanders programme. They are currently looking for armchair generals to make up teams and take part. More information can be found at

Lets hope that they cover a few different eras this time, and the technology should have improved by now.

Thursday 14 July 2016

Suggestions needed

For a number of reasons, not least the real possibility of a major downsize in living accommodation in the near future, I have to reduce my library by some 50% or more. Quite a bit of it is military/naval related and much of it has not been looked at for a long time. I can put the books on that auction site and let the cards fall as they will, donating unsolds to the ubiquitous charity shops; I could offer them to the local second-hand dealer accepting whatever he's prepared to offer, knowing he's in the business for profit; or I could post them on my blog over the next few months, knowing that the information would at least reach interested parties.

The question is whether that would be reasonable, and should I ask a price or for offers? ( in effect, an auction). Would you be interested in seeing what I have to offer in that way?

For example. I have a set (5 volumes) of C.C.P.Lawson's "A History of The Uniforms Of The British Army", published between 1940 and 1967, covering the 1660s through to the early 19th century. I show volume 1 below as an example.

volume 1

Originally published in 1940, this is a 1962 reprint. 202 pages of text. The only one of the set without its original dust jacket, I photocopied one of the others to keep the set looking uniform. Mylar book cover fitted. Some straining and opening of the stitching in one place. Detailed coverage of cavalry, infantry, marine regiments, Scottish regiments, artillery, militia, etc. Many illustrations, mainly black and white sketches. Someone has made occasional pencil notes on certain pages.

I won't quote a price at this time, as I'd rather sell them as a set, but I would appreciate your opinions.

Thank you in advance.

 . volume 4

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Visit to Lincolnshire - part two

Here we have a picture of a perfectly innocuous field in the middle of no-where on the edge of the Lincolnshire Wolds. The only clue to it's past is the name - Slash Hollow. This is where the routing forces of the Royalists were cut to ribbons by the pursuing troops of Oliver Cromwell and Sir Thomas Fairfax after the battle of Winceby in 1643.

And here we look in the opposite direction to view the field of battle itself.

Winceby, as a village, no longer exists. You can drive through it without noticing it was once there. The extent of the field is minute, only about half a mile from one side to the other. With some 3000 troops in the Royalist lines and about 4000 with the Roundheads, more a skirmish really. The whole area would fit onto a normal table if gamed.

Satellite picture care of Google Earth, shows the disposition of the two armies, and the relative smallness of the area.  While tucked away off the main road (The line running left to right along the top of the picture) the site is easily viewable. The battle was a Roundhead victory, enhancing Cromwell's growing reputation, and showed that the Parliamentarian cavalry was every bit as good, if not better, than that of the Crown.

More information can be found in_
British Battlefields, The North - by Philip Warner, (pp79/86)
Battles and Generals of the Civil War - by H.C.B.Rogers, (p110)
Winceby and the battle - by Betty Brammer , 
(A 102 page book that goes into much detail of the events leading to, during, and after the battle; including some interesting stories about what the civilian residents of Winceby did to keep themselves and their property safe. Something often forgotten in tales of war.  

Monday 4 July 2016

Visit to Lincolnshire, part one

Over the last few days MrsJ and I have been caravaning on the edge of the Lincolnshire Wolds, visiting old haunts as I come from Boston. Yes, that Boston, the Brexit one! In support of their voting I must say in their defence that there have been more violent crimes over the last few years than the previous thirty, and most of the names in the local paper court reports have more consonants than vowels. The residents voted not out of racism, but an objection to the numbers involved.  But enough.

While there we had a little ride round the Wolds, and having just watched the first series of The Hollow Crown (I'm behind with my TV planner viewing) we called in to the village of Old Bolingbroke. You will now ask "where?" This is a very small, perhaps 30 houses in all, village, just on the southern edge of the Wolds, and is extremely important in British history. The castle here was the home of John of Gaunt, and birthplace of Henry IV. Really, you could say the Wars of the Roses started here!

Looking at the remains of the castle now, just a few walls none taller than six feet high, you wouldn't credit it's early importance. Built around the 1200s it occupies ground would take up about half a football field, and that includes the moat! It is one of the few English Heritage sites we have visited that has no entry fee or shop. Indeed, the sign at the gate states "Opening Times - Any Reasonable Time" Mind you, there is only parking for about three cars outside, though the pub is good.

This gives an idea of the size, as you can see from one side across to the other here. Apologies for the intruder, he gets everywhere these days.

Next time, views of Winceby battleground.

Sunday 10 April 2016

Announcement from Blogger Dashboard

The following has appeared at the top of my Blogger Dashboard over the last few days. As I'm not really techno-savvy it means nothing to me, but I publish it to let you all know it is there.

"Coming in late April! All visitors will be able to view your Blogspot domain blogs over an encrypted connection by visiting https://<your-blog> Existing links and bookmarks to your blogs will continue to work. As part of this change, the HTTPS Availability setting will disappear, and your blogs will always have an HTTPS version.

I hope you all know what it is talking about, as I haven't a clue.

We have just been enjoying the first good Sunday in a while, and I've been out in the shed track laying on the new model railway. Soon have a full circuit all powered ready to run the inaugural train. The aim is full track by the end of summer, then I can build the structures indoors over the winter. The population is already coming along. These are Charles Stadden 7mm figures. Older readers may remember his fathers range of military figures.

Thursday 24 March 2016

Toy Soldier Auction coming up

Because I sent a few items to auction some years I get occasional memos from the auctioneers about forthcoming sales. Today I have had notification of a Toy Soldier sale coming up next week, and thought I'd pass the information on for anyone who likes to keep track of this sort of thing.
The firm's website can be found at and the sale is listed as - Military, Civilian Figures, Equipment and Accessories - with the illustrated catalogue (mainly modern Britains) on line showing 796 lots. The prices don't seem too bad either, considering the amount of boxes listed in each lot. I was interested in the book values, and just wish that they had shown the titles more visibly, as a box of "... and other titles..." doesn't help. Again prices seem low. Mind you, it does make me consider how little my petty collection is really worth, certainly nowhere near what was paid for it. Ah well.

What other goodies could be lurking in these two boxes? If only they'd photographed them with the spines showing!

I've decided, I really must throw off this cold and stop wasting time sniveling in front of the computer. MrsJ has told me we ARE taking the caravan up to Nottingham for Easter, so I'd better enjoy it!

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Shakespeare with a dash of humour

I came across a site done by a Shakespeare loving librarian yesterday, and spent a long time (too long) browsing her entries. One is reproduced below as an introductory piece.

I also enjoyed her serialisation of Hamlet, putting words of tunes from The Sound Of Music,  and am currently reading her version of Richard 11.

You will find her on please visit and have a chuckle (or two), she really cheered me up while I've had a stinker of a cold this week.

Sunday 20 March 2016


Today is MrsJ's birthday. I won't embarrass her by saying which one, but it is also our 40th wedding anniversary. We shall be spending the day with our family, son cooking dinner for us all. I hope she enjoys her gifts, as she is very difficult to buy for. When asked what she wanted she said she needed a new pair of slippers!. I think I've done a bit better that that, though.

Sunday 21 February 2016

Painting Tartan

Following my last post showing my new highlanders I was delighted to see a note from the great A.W.Kinch asking for advice on painting tartans. The following is the system I followed since finding it in the Toy Soldier and Model Figure magazine, issue 7 (Aug/Sept '96), and was the first of a series of articles by Martin Tabony, who produced many 54mm figures for a lot of ranges at that time. Note that these illustrations are for the 'Government Sett' and while others varied in colour scheme the basics are the same.

It is possible to get away with just showing one black line through each stripe, unless you have a VERY steady hand and extra fine brush.

The following picture is from an old catalogue of  the 'All The Queen's Men' range by Derek Cross (recently retired, though the range now taken over and continuing). I've only shown the one page, as the catalogue has details of most tartans used by British regiments. Anyone wanting specifics has only to drop me a line and I can e.mail the appropriate page.

Finally, a picture of three figures I painted as trials some 20 years ago, when I had a steadier hand. These show three different tartans, with the Black Watch being on the left. I hope the clarity is sufficient, but I took the photo in a hurry about half an hour ago as a lst minute addition.

I must admit that when painting smaller figures I was far more stylistic and didn't follow the detail so avidly. If it looked right I was happy.

Wednesday 17 February 2016

FLW Part 5

As I have been designated 'family carpenter' for a while, with a number of projects requested by various members of the clan, this is the last batch of troops for a couple of weeks or so. They are supposed to be the 10th (Scottish) Battalion of The King's (Liverpool) Regiment, though there are one or two minor (?) discrepancies.

The unit was formed in 1900, and though dressed as Highlanders they wore the glengarry, not the bonnet; but I only had these figures about. The kilt and plaid were not one of the normal government issue type, but were the Forbes tartan. Unfortunately it has ended up paler than I would have liked. The other thing is that the sporran should be grey, not white. Truth is, by this time I was glad to see the back of them, so didn't change it for the second time!

Thank goodness there are not too many volunteer regiments that wear tartan, though I still have a few to look forward to in the future.


You may notice that I've added a page (see the link on the right) that contains some VERY simple rules, which I used to use with my son many years ago when he would 'want to play soldiers'. Sadly he soon grew out of that. These rules were designed to give a fast, easy game, and as we used the dining table were usually over in an hour or so. No finesse, just advance, kill the enemy, win.

Perhaps I should try them out again, for nostalgia's sake, as a solo effort. 

Monday 8 February 2016

FLW Part 4

I've not done too well on the painting side this week, so no picture. I'm doing a unit of Highlanders and I hate painting tartans! I've left out some of the finer lines, and just discovered I've painted the sporrans the wrong colour. I assumed that they were black with white tassels, but looking at the illustration I'm using I find they are white with black tassels. So they need re-doing.

Also I lost two days, as I had to take an unscheduled trip up to Northamptonshire. Hence lack of progress.

In the meantime I've been tracking down suppliers of castings for my own personal favourite figure, readily adaptable for this era, the Victorian Fort Henry Guard (see previous posts). My original stock of Replica Models recasts are now all gone, and I need to find a replacement. Fortunately I have found a few makers that can supply. The new style Britains figure, unfortunately, is not a patch on their original. The modern version has no strapping detail moulded on, just painted in a very thin line, so is relatively useless for my purposes.

The Canadian firm of Scott J Dummitt have a number of painted sets, but they also have a pair of marching figures. When I contacted the owners they only had a couple of privates in stock, but very kindly sent their caster out into his cold shed to provide me with enough figures for another unit. These will go on the bottom of the painting list. They give a different pose to add variety.

Another supplier, who I still await a reply from, is The British Toy Soldier Company, though they only seem to provide a private. This figure, I believe, was originally offered as a subscription 'gift' for the Toy Soldier and Model Figure magazine.

In the meantime I am in consultation with Giles Brown of Dorset Soldiers about producing a mould from some of my figures, at least then I can have a steady source of castings to play with.

Finally, and here I would like some assistance from any Canadian followers, there was a firm called'Queen Victoria's Enterprises' that had the figure in various guises. Produced were marching, firing, corps of drums, colour party, pioneer and mascot. Unfortunately one of the partners, Colin Cunningham of Toronto, passed away in April 2015, and I can't find trace of his co-partner, Jim Shakley, oe whether the company is still operating. Can anybody help track them down?

Wednesday 3 February 2016

Dad's Army

Anyone living in the UK over the last week or so will know by now that the new film 'Dad's Army' is being released tomorrow, February 4th. It has been mentioned on numerous TV chat and magazine shows with the stars being interviewed collectively or singly until I bet they are heartily sick of answering the same questions.

This film is a revival of the old BBC series with a completely new cast (it had to be, most of the originals are no more) and has met with mixed reception from aficiondos of the series, which appears regularly on lists of Britain's best TV shows, and can be seen on a variety of channels at regular intervals. Many of the stock phrases have come into daily use (don't panic, stupid boy, they don't like it up 'em) and bring back cosy memories where we almost think of the cast as old friends.

The original Dads Army, as we all know, was formed as Local Defence Volunteers (later The Home Guard) early in the war, and was formed of men who were either too old to join the regular forces, were in reserved occupations and therefore exempt, or youngsters waiting for call up. Their main duties were the guarding of important installations, allowing regulars to be deployed more effectively, or as a secondary defence force in the event of an invasion. They were to slow down the enemy advance, though this was expected to be only for a matter of hours, while the regular troops deployed.

Note, these are not the same troops as the Auxiliary Units that were set up and intended to act as local resistance groups in the aftermath of an invasion. These groups were secret even up to the early 1960s, and many family members didn't know their fathers, brothers, husbands, were members until then!

Anyway, here, from my cabinet of curiosities, is my take on this brave band of old boys. A set of 54mm  kits available back in the 1980s, and painted by me when I could do a better job. I hope you recognise the various personalities.

Wikipedia has a long article on the Home Guard, which brings out one or two things I didn't know. Worth a read.

Saturday 30 January 2016

FLW Part 3

I finished off my little unit, based on a picture of the 43rd Westminster Rifle Vounteers. I use 8 figures, including an officer, as a unit, because this is the number in one of Dorset Figures boxes, which I'm using as storage. (Also, if I ever need to, I'll be able to sell them off as a boxed set!).

 These are the last of my unpainted Fort Henry Guard castings, and I've spent the week rooting around the web trying to find a new source.

There's a chap in Canada has unpainted marching figures. An order has gone in for 8 figures to make up another unit, and I have some figures coming from 'Brigadier' in Australia for another. I'm trying to track down my original supplier (Pat Campbell of Replica Models) from about 12 years ago but he may have given up, though I notice a dealer on e-bay has a considerable number of painted sets under that label on offer. A message has gone out to him. I also contacted the Toy Soldier and Model Figure Magazine in case they had any contact details.

The other thing I tried was getting in touch with Giles Brown, of Dorset Soldiers to see if he had anything similar in his list. Giles has offered to make a mould for me if I'm unsuccesful elsewhere.

I have a modern 'Britains' Fort Henry figure, but it's not a patch on the old one, as the strapping detail is now all painted on in very thin lines, while the old one has it sculpted on.


While digging for more figures, at the back of my cupboard I found this little chap, who has to be MrsJs favourite from my collection. He's 'The Collector' by Luigi Taoti, an Italian maker who used to come to the London Toy Soldier Show. I haven't been for years, and find I'm very much out of touch with makers, dealers etc., so really must get this year.

More progress reports next week.

Sunday 24 January 2016

FLW Project part 2

Following on from last weeks update, I thought I'd share this weeks results.

As you remember, I had made a mould and was waiting for it to set. By Tuesday it had done, and I was able to clean it up before trying it out. As usual, with a new mould, it took a few tries to warm it up, I had to cut a few air passages, but the final results were not encouraging. The figure itself came out reasonable enough, although it lost some detail; the back pack held its definition, but the loose arm holding the rifle came out as an amorphous blob, with missing sections and no discernbable detail. Ah well, back to the drawing board.

What I have been doing for the last couple of days is looking into alternative ways of achieving my object. I've been studying various websites covering toy soldiers and suppliers of  castings and spare parts (such as Dorset, Langley, London Bridge, etc.) with a view to fabricating my wants through the use of mixing bodies, arms and heads, along with a little judicious use of milliput, to  end up with unique figures. I now need to order up an assortment of these bits, and make enquiries of the makers before I carry on.

While doing this search I used these two books as reference. The Andrew Rose book has every page well illustrated with historic toy soldiers, and is ideal for identifying appropriate original figures for
conversion, and then finding them from manufacturers. 
The 'New Toy Soldiers' guide came out in the early 1990's and listed some 109 (I think) makers of these models, though a search through the net shows that not many of them are still active. I wonder what happened to all those moulds?
This little chap appeared on e-bay recently, and was listed as 'Civil War Confederate Tradition Dorset Trophy Britains. I recognised him, but couldn't place him, thinking he was from the 'Great Britain and the Empire' range, and found his photo in the above guide to the new ranges. He is actually a 1st New South Wales Rifle Volunteer of 1861, from the Australian manufacturer Brigadier. He fits well with my plans, is now in my possession, and stands proudly in my cabinet . He has something slightly 'Gabby Hayes' about him.

Anyway, that's this weeks report. I will have something to show next week, but they are still on the painting bench..


Sunday 17 January 2016

FLW Update

I blame Mr Kinch and his recent blog posts concerning the eyes on toy soldiers! This week I have been spending the evenings catching up with my 54mm Funny Little Wars troops, and preparing a little something for 'taking things forward' (I had a boss who used that as her buzzword). So here's a little update on the current situation.

Originally I had intended 4 cavalry units of six men and on officer, 4 infantry units of eight men and an officer, and 6 artillery batteries of one gun and limber plus crew of four per gun, with, finally, a support unit of 1 wagon, four men and an officer. There were to be the standard number of staff officers as well.

At the moment I have two cavalry units and three infantry units. The artillery is complete, with half being Royal Horse Artillery (Langley castings) and the other half, recently completed, being based on a picture of the 3rd London Rifle Volunteers that appeared in ' The Blandford Encyclopedia of Infantry Uniforms, Book 2', with the Gatling gun being replaced with a field piece.

These again are Langley castings, but I've taken the opportunity to base the kneeling figures for stability. They are superglued to 2p pieces and the surface of the coin flooded with pva glue to hide the engraving. These figures have the eye painted as a line (eyebrow) and black dot.

The other style of eye painting I use is a blue dot. This can be seen in the following picture.


Next, I have a query you may be able to help with. At a swapmeet recently I managed to obtain a few figures from a rummage box. The left hand one is stamped 'Tradition', the two on the right are 'Britains', but the other one, with the corded jacket and feather hat is a mystery. I don't recall seeing anything like this before, but a reference to the above book gives an illustration of a similar figure labelled as a 32nd Middlesex Rifle Volunteers of 1860.

Can anyone identify a maker? Or perhaps it's a conversion. The nearest I can come is a Swedish Guard in the Dorset range.


Finally a little hint of something yet to come, and what I've been doing this week

For the next couple of days I'm keeping my fingers crossed while the mould cures. Then, if all goes well I can start on some conversion work and provide some different Rifle Volunteer figures. This should keep the rest of the year occupied on this particular project. Army 'Grey' has been revitalised.

Saturday 9 January 2016

The Year to Come

I notice other bloggers are posting their hopes and desires for 2016, so thought I'd do the same. Mainly a desire to finish previously started projects, with the occassional introduction of something new. One thing I do want to do is a weekly entry on here, rather than the hit and miss efforts to date. So each Saturday I will try review progress.

I'm hoping to restart my 54mm forces, and have the idea of using some Fort Henry castings in my pile as the basis for some generic infantrymen. This means getting back into mould making (a-la Prince August) and drop casting. These will only be for my use, so quality doesn't have to be brilliant, just good (I hate the 'that'll do' school of thought, even if I do use it myself occassionaly).

I heave a couple of large boxes in the loft containing some "All The Queen's Men" figures of Derek Cross, from the 1990s, which have never been displayed. These include the charge of the Scots Greys at Waterloo, Marshal Ney and the Retreat from Moscow among others. I shall be sending these off for auction sometime. James Opie has a post at a new auction house and I'll be getting in touch.

My 28mm Humperstein forces of the 1800s are growing slowly. This will continue at a steady rate.

I'm hoping to get a readers pass for the British Library and spend a day or so in London researching the Hobbies Naval Wargame I mentioned in 2014. All other enquiries so far have met with a dead end.

There are still a couple of working model boats to finish off. HMS Devastation, at 24inches long, and a harbour launch (Dean's Marine kit) at about 18 inches long; and the model railway will continue to grow. Track laying to start as soon as it is comfortable to work in the shed.

How much of this will happen is anybodys guess. I'll keep you updated. In the meantime, have fun in your own individual ways, and keep me entertained as you usually do.

Friday 1 January 2016

Another Old Wargame

As promised recently, here is the second article from an old Hobbies magazine. This one is dated February 5th, 1916, issue number 1060, and is shared with permission of the current owners of Hobbies Ltd. I've written it out exactly as published, with the original illustrations.


This is a game for two players. The board is a sheet of thick cardboard, measuring 12in. long 8 in. wide, a rugged coast line forming the divisional line. The land portion is diversified with hills, roads, forts, etc., as marked in Fig.1.

The lettering is fully explained on the ocean space, which may be studded with small islands. Several accessories are needed, and these can be fashioned from old ordinary bottle corks, a razor blade coming in handy as a cutting implement.

The fort F, Fig.2, consists of a whole cork with a piece of very thin card wrapped round, slightly overlapping, and glued in position. Then, after cutting the top edge and marking a window, the fort is glued upon a circular card base. Two of these will be sufficient.

The gun G requires a three-quarter length of cork, a recess wide enough and deep enough to take a black lead pencil easily being cut about the middle. A tube 2 1/2in. long, made by wrapping a 5in. length of notepaper round the penciland pasting or gumming the surface during the operation, is fixed within the recess, as shown in the plan and elevation. Four of these should be made. A bridge B is merely two half-circles of cork at the end of a cardboard plank. Three will be enough. A town T just for the sake of having a removable object, is simply a circle of cork about 3/8in. thick. Five towns are required.

As will be noticed, the fort, the gun, the bridge, and the town are all fitted with a short thin flagstaff, and this is a very neccessary addition, as numerous flags of two different colours - twenty-four of each - must be made to slip on and off these uprights. After selecting the colours, cut strips of the chosen paper 4in. long, 1/8in. wide, and wrap them one by one round a knitting needle to form a tube, leaving a short length of about 1in. as shown at E, the tube portion being held in shape by gum or thin glue.

So much for the military; now for the navy. A primitive cruiser as C, Fig.3, is obtained from a third length of cork cut in two, the nose of the craft being shaped as shown by plan and elevation, while a short mast is added to take a paper flag when needed. Make four of this pattern.

For the battle ship B the sides of a whole cork are first removed, the remainder to then cut lengthways in two, and each half can be shaped at the bow as shown, two masts being afterwards inserted. Again, make four and also four submarines S. Cut a cork into four sections, slice away fore and aft, point both ends, and let a short mast occupy the centre.

Islands I., three of them, are the same as towns with half circles of cork on top. Each accessory should be enamelled some distinctive colour, the finished appearance more than paying for the time devoted to the task. A bag, stocking-shaped, will be required to hold a number of counters or pieces of cardboard bearing the words: "Town taken", "town lost", "cruiser taken", "cruiser lost", "hill taken", "hill lost", and so on; a pair for each object, and an equal number of blanks.

The two players are provided with the stock of different coloured flags. Each in turn dips into the bag. When a blank is drawn nothing happens, and the opposing player is entitled to dip. Anything gained he puts his colour on and places it upon the board. If a hill or any other permanent mark, the coloured removable flag is laid directly over the position. Anything lost must be removed from the board; if however, nothing of corresponding nature to that mentuioned on the slip is held by the drawer, his opponent puts one of his own colours on the board. Should it happen that the selected slip either gives or takes away when everything of that particular kind is already used, then the selector must dip into the bag until a definite result is reached. Every slip is returned to the bag immediately, so that a full supply is always in the bag. Before starting the game a certain number of draws for each player should be agreed upon, and the player then showing most colours on the board wins the game.

A cardboard box for holding the board and pieces can be cut and made from one sheet of medium thick card, as shown in Fig.4. Make the box portion A a little larger than the playing board, say 12 1/2in. by 8 1/2in., the sides S 1 1/2in. deep, and the lid portion B slightly larger than the box A as shown. Score all dotted lines with the point of a pocket-knife, bend downwards, and the diagonal corners will close as at C; then the pointed pieces can be bent and glued against the sides at D, making a strong corner. The ends of the hinge-line E should be cut trough to where the dotted portion begins, a strip of linen over the bend adds to the durability, and a coat of enamel gives a respectable finish.


So there you have it. I wonder if such articles appeared in other magazines of the era? This game seems easily adaptable to the use of miniatures instead of pieces of cork, though I'm not sure the lack of movement appeals I'm sure that simple rules could be devised, while the board could become a small card table.