Having persuaded myself that it is too cold in the shed to do much railway modelling I have looked back into batch of kits I bought from my project book to find something to occupy myself indoors over the winter months. Among my old ideas is a collection of 54mm conversions from old Britains figures, depicting the various Victorian Rifle Volunteer and Yeomanry regiments of the UK. This will be on top of the pile of kits I have outstanding from the Tradition range.
In order to get on with it I took the plunge and ordered a mould making pack from Alec Tiranti. It will sit staring at me daring me to get on with the job.
So, I took a figure I bought cheap some years ago at the London Toy Soldier Show, and stripped it down. Once the paint was off it became obvious that it was a conversion, so I didn't feel too bad about removing the paint. The gaiters had been filled in to make full trousers, while a new head had been fitted.
Once stripped I removed the original base and stuck the casting onto a 2p piece, filling the face and smoothing it off (can't have the origin showing) and the figure is ready for the mould making experience.