Monday, 26 November 2012

Book of the Month x2

Two books from my shelves this time, as I couldnt decide which to feature first.

The Law Marches West, Sir Cecil E Denny, an Inspector in the original NWMP, was originally published in 1939 and reprinted in 2000. It is the story of how the RCMP (Mounties) made their epic march to the North West in 1874 and their subsequent feat of bringing law and order to this wild region. It is a tale of "guts and rugged determination....littered with blizzards and bootlegging, horse rustling and gold-digging...full of the romance of pioneering history. A very interesting read, I can see that it could lead to a number of scenarios involving the law, indians, settlers and roughnecks that could be slightly different to the 'Wild West' norm.

Broadsides and Boarders, Marvin H Albert. published back in 1958, is the story of the romantic era of warfare under sail told through the stories of some of the Great Captains, including Nelson, Drake, Suffren, John Paul Jones, Monck and De Ruyter. I first read this just after the publication time and, being a youngster, discovered that other countries had their naval heroes too, just as respected and loved as our own. Well worth searching out if you can find it. (My copy was priced at 21/- reduced to 4/11)

 I'm trying not to critique any books I put up, as I find that not everyone has the same taste, and that books I've enjoyed over the years may not suit you. I can only reccomend something that takes my fancy. Please feel free to comment on the choice or remarks.

1 comment:

  1. It is my pleasure to nominate you for the Liebster Blog Award '
