According to the blurb this is a BFI restoration of a film made in 1927 ".. on real battleships supplied by the Admiralty.... scrupulously fair in its treatment of the enemy.... presented with a new score ....performed by the Band of Her Majesty's Royal Marines..",and comes with a number of extras including some short films from the era plus a fully illustrated booklet of original essays and full credits. The main feature is some 102 minutes long.
I just need the evening MrsJ goes dancing, a glass of wine, and a bar of chocolate.
The rest of the day was a bit of an anticlimax. I picked up my car after 3 weeks in the garage, and after a number of power failures on the A14 I spent four hours sitting in a service station watching the traffic go by while the AA attended and eventually towed me back to the garage for further tests. MrsJ had told me to take the day easy, but I don't think that's quite what she meant!